Module Variations

This Premium Template is powered by the marvelous Bootstrap framework. It utilizes a a 12-column responsive grid system, making for a 940px wide container without responsive features enabled. Also we have enabled by default the responsive feature (you may disable through the template parameters) and your website will looks great across all devices like Wide Monitors, Tablets and Mobile Phones.

With the responsive feature enabled, the grid adapts to be 724px and 1170px wide depending on your viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically.

You may learn more on the Bootstrap Scaffolding page about the Grid System

On the other hand you may use the style1 and style2 and style3 module class suffixes to change the colors of the sidebar module positions, as you are seeing here on this page. Don't know how to add a module class suffix? You may View here the solution

Would you like to view each module position more in detail and to learn it's name? Go to Module Positions page

You can easily move the Sidebar from right to left. This can be done from the template parameters

Прочитано 13490 пута Последњи пут измењено 28 авг 2013
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  • ZvornikDanas
  • ZMarketi
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